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BRAT Diet: Definition, Benefits and Risks

July 30, 2024
November 9, 2023
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Introduction To The BRAT Diet And Its Purpose

The BRAT diet is a short-term diet that consists of bland, easily digestible foods, including bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. It is often recommended as a home remedy for people who are experiencing digestive symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.The goal of the BRAT diet is to provide the body with simple, low-fiber foods and these can make the digestive system to rest and recover. Interestingly, the BRAT diet used to be a popular treatment method. Unfortunately, nowadays health professionals don’t recommend using it because of potential risks and downsides [1].

The BRAT diet is most commonly recommended for treating diarrhea. The bland, low-fiber foods in the diet are thought to help reduce the frequency and severity of diarrhea by slowing down the digestive process and providing the body with easily digestible nutrients. However, while the BRAT diet may be effective in reducing diarrhea symptoms, it is not a cure for the underlying cause of the diarrhea. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if diarrhea persists or is accompanied by other symptoms like fever, dehydration or severe abdominal pain.

The BRAT diet provides the body with simple, low-fiber foods that are easy to digest. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast are all low in fiber and contain nutrients that can help to replenish electrolytes and fluids lost due to diarrhea. Additionally, the bland nature of these foods can help to soothe the digestive system and reduce inflammation. The BRAT diet may not provide all necessary nutrients and calories for a healthy diet, especially long-term. It’s recommended to switch to a more diverse and nutritious diet as soon as symptoms improve.

Benefits Of The BRAT Diet For Treating Diarrhea

The BRAT diet, consisting of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, is a short-term diet that has been recommended for treating digestive illnesses and diarrhea. One of the benefits of this diet is its ease of digestion, as the foods included are low in fiber and bland in taste. This makes it easier for the digestive system to process and absorb nutrients which can be particularly important during episodes of diarrhea when the body may be losing vital fluids and electrolytes. Additionally, the BRAT diet can help to reduce nausea and vomiting, which often accompany diarrhea.

Another benefit of the BRAT diet is its ability to replenish nutrients lost during diarrhea. Bananas, for example, are a good source of potassium, which is an important electrolyte that can be lost during episodes of diarrhea. Rice is a good source of carbohydrates, which can provide energy to the body and help to regulate blood sugar levels. Applesauce and toast, easily digestible sources of carbohydrates, can supply energy and nutrients to the body without irritating the digestive system. The BRAT diet, by replenishing lost nutrients, aids in the body’s recovery from diarrhea.

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Risks And Limitations Of The BRAT Diet

While the BRAT diet may be effective in treating diarrhea and other stomach complaints, it is important to note that it lacks nutritional variety. The diet consists primarily of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, which are all low in fiber, protein, and fat. This could result in a shortage of vital vitamins and minerals that are crucial for maintaining your overall health and well-being. Moreover, the lack of diversity in your diet might cause boredom and reduce your commitment, making it less effective in the long run.

Another potential risk of the BRAT diet is the potential for malnutrition. The diet is not designed to be a long-term solution and should only be followed for a short period to allow the digestive system to rest and recover. However, if followed for an extended period, the diet can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients, such as protein, calcium, and vitamin D. This can have negative consequences for overall health, particularly in children, who require adequate nutrition for growth and development [2].

Alternatives And Additional Treatments For Diarrhea

Fluid and electrolyte replacement is a crucial aspect of treating diarrhea, especially in cases of dehydration, drinking water alone may not be enough to replace lost electrolytes, so it is recommended to add broth, sports drinks, or rehydration solutions to the diet [3]. These options can help restore the body’s electrolyte balance, which is essential for proper bodily functions. It is important to note that excessive fluid intake can worsen diarrhea, so it is best to consult a healthcare provider for guidance on proper fluid replacement.

Probiotics and fermented foods are another option for treating diarrhea, Probiotics are live bacteria that can help re-balance your gut bacteria, which may get disrupted during a diarrhea episode, Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are rich sources of probiotics. Consuming these foods can help replenish the gut with beneficial bacteria, promoting digestive health and potentially reducing diarrhea symptoms [4].

Medical intervention may be necessary for persistent or severe cases of diarrhea. In such cases, a healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics or other medications to address the underlying cause of the diarrhea. Seeking medical attention is crucial for persistent diarrhea or when accompanied by symptoms like fever, severe abdominal pain or blood in the stool. Hospitalization might be required in some cases for proper hydration and treatment.


In conclusion, while the BRAT diet was once a commonly recommended treatment for diarrhea, it has since been found to be too restrictive and lacking in adequate nutrition. Alternative treatments such as fluid and electrolyte replacement, probiotics, and medical intervention may be more effective in managing diarrhea and promoting overall digestive health. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment of diarrhea and related symptoms.

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What is the BRAT diet?

Why is the BRAT diet recommended for treating diarrhea?

How does the BRAT diet work?

What are the benefits of the BRAT diet for treating diarrhea? 

Why is the BRAT diet not recommended for diarrhea?

About authors
Jessica Brown
Written by
Jessica Brown is a 29-year-old freelance copywriter who is passionate about human nature and is now immersing herself deeply into the realm of health and wellness. Jessica holds a Master of Arts in Literary Studies from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor's in Biology from the University of Cambridge.
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